Makin’ Love To My Tater

I was never one for those inspirational daily quotations that some people seem to swear by. I was never even that faithful to my horoscope either except for You Born Today.   For a while, I did used to follow Word.A.Day but even that faded away and I even lost interest in those professional development/be-your-own-mentor websites.

It wasn’t a huge thing but I did kind of miss the ritual of pondering the daily message. For the moment, I have adopted Paula Deenisms as the go-to place for  inspiration.

Not a fan of Paula’s show or of her cooking. For all the butter and bacon that she advocates for, the few recipes of hers that I did try were much more appealing in concept than in actual taste. I do love how her hair always looks like she’s wearing an Eva Gabor wig made from genuine Dynel and that she’s single-handedly keeping the false eyelash business afloat. And she is a great offender in the let me taste this for you department. But she does have a way with words – I’ll give her that.

“More than anything I hate exercise. Exercise kills, y’all. Listen to me. How many people of y’all heard about droppin’ dead during on of those long races? I don’t like it.”

“And if y’all will excuse me for a couple minutes, I’m gonna finish makin’ love to my tater.”

“What I’m fixin’ to do is fry up  macaroni and cheese. I’m gonna wrap it in bacon and we’re gonna deep fry it.”

“But the grand thing about these apples y’all is we’re eating healthy, cause everybody knows an apple a day keeps the doctor away…and it [the caramel in which the apples are doused] keeps the dentist in business.”

I assure you that I am a well-rounded person with many interests, not just a food and recipe focus. I’ll try to lay off the crazy food posts for a while but you don’t really blame me for wanting to share this, do you?

18 thoughts on “Makin’ Love To My Tater”

  1. I don’t watch food shows and I’m not a “foodie” in the least but I come here anyway. Honestly, I am looking for MOO posts, with pictures. Which is not to say I don’t TOTALLY enjoy your food posts and your posts about weird shit you buy on eBay. I do. Well, it’s a comment, isn’t it? Yes. A comment it is.

  2. I like Paula Deen, because she’s so unabashedly tacky, and unafraid to look butter straight in the eye. If you’re going to be something, be it with every fiber of your being. (That’s why I also like Dolly Parton. “It takes a lot of money to look this trashy.”)

    Plus Paula got hit in the face by a flying ham and laughed it off. Not everyone can take a ham to the face and remain calm. Just imagine how many people would be immediately executed if MOO got hit in the mush by a flying pork product.

  3. OK, I’m not even gonna get into my feelings about Paula Deen, I’m just gonna comment






    Dear God. Dear, dear God.

    I think I need to lie down.

  4. I have no idea what to say about the video… She must appeal to people because she seems to be popular. Other than that, I just can’t listen to her longer than about 30 seconds. But when you blog it – you actually make it funny. I love it. What a talent you have!

  5. Good Gawd Awmighty. I remember watching that “Lasagna Sandwich” episode… mainly because Cheryl Day was the guest. We know Cheryl from her Back in the Day Bakery in Savannah, near which the Mistress of Sarcasm used to live. And Cheryl’s stuff is beyond excellent.

    But that lasagna sandwich was a horror show… and what made it even worse was that Paula Deen made that lasagna with cottage cheese.

    You heard that right. Cottage frickin’ cheese. Gaaaahhh.

    The Mistress used to work as a concierge in Savannah. She would try to steer people away from Deen’s restaurant, a tourist trap offering indifferent Southern food for which you’d stand in line for two hours. There were (and are) far better places to eat in Savannah.

  6. Swoon! Lasagna sandwich? Why not? People (I) often eat lasagna and garlic bread in the same meal.
    Of course after about three bites I’d have to go lay down for a long bloated nap.
    Deen makes me laugh. Kieth and I agree on Paula’s similarity to Dolly Parton. Suzette commenting about Deen is out of the ballpark! I now have to lay down for a long nap from laughing.

  7. I eat lasagna sandwiches whenever I have leftover ‘zag. But now I need to fry some mac and cheese. Oh yes, it is my new preciousssssss…..

  8. Lasagna sandwich.. my dad was famous for his mayo, lettuce and white bread sandwiches. .. (nope, nothing missing here just what you read).

  9. Paula cooks they way we really want to eat (don’t try denying it). Mac and cheese with real cheese and butter and cream. Fried chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy.
    A gooey cake made with butter and sweet gooey icing.
    Only sad people eat things like “steamed squash” and no-fat, no-sugar no-gluten oatmeal cookies. yuk.

  10. Not here to comment on Paula, but I had to share – while I was on vacation, the word processor filling in for me apparently changed a bunch of crap on my computer, causing it to die a horrible death (WTF she was doing changing anything when all she was supposed to do was monitor e-mails is quite beyond me). So, got a replacement box. Which, naturally, had none of my bookmarks on it. Have been trying in vain to remember the name of your blog (menopause has stolen my brains) and I finally decided to Google “busy mom and fashion icon” and voila! There you were. Whew, I was having withdrawals! But now you’re all safely bookmarked again!

  11. I lost my “taste” for Paula during the 2008 campaign when she had MOOCHele on the show and just gushed about how excited she was about having her as the First Lady and how she would love to come over to the WH to cook for her. I have never looked at her the same since.

  12. I was born in Savannah and I think Paula’s southern accent has become more pronounced since she has her own shows. And she uses Y’all way too much. I feel I gain weight just watching. One of her light dishes means she only uses 1/2 cup butter instead of a whole cup.

  13. I used “Makin’ love to my tater” yesterday at home. Today I slipped it into a conversation at work. My goal is to use it every day for at least a week.

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