Him and Her


Dead eyes. This is your president on tranquilizers.

If, as so many headlines today are declaring, Obama’s address to the nation explaining America’s kinetic military action in Libya was a bit muddled, let Twitter explain it to you:

Caleb Howe is my new hero.


I'm not saying she's got the Little Eye here but I am saying she seems to be looking in two different directions at once.

As previously noted, World Famous Fashion Icon and Busy Mom™  Michelle Obama’s new stylist has a new strategy: focusing on boob enhancement to distract from her other less attractive body parts. Last week, we tried painting on a cleavage stripe to give the impression of large boobs; this week we celebrate our flapjackness. Love how the empty fabric of the dress caves in on the top, the bottom and the sides to really bring home the message that there’s no there there. Her chin has more curves than her bosom. Can’t wait to see what next week brings.

16 thoughts on “Him and Her”

  1. What does it mean when the iconic FirstLadyofthe UnitedStates feels a need to have cleavage painted onto her chest?
    Is she feeling a need to look sexy? if so, for whom? Her husband already knows there’s no there, there.
    Does she feel booby-impaired and need to pretend that she, too is womanly?if so, for whom? BO knows.
    Does she feel ashamed when she looks inside the bodice at the end of the night and finds that her ‘cleavage’ has melted into the bodice?

    1. I looked at the pic, and, ick, not natural–too lumpy at the ‘crease’ on the left side. Going to sleep, if I can.

      1. How intricately and painstakingly someone painted on contouring along the sides of her flapjacks to simulate cleavage. An artfully shaded, inverted “V”. But trompe l’oeil it ain’t. It fools no one’s eye.

        This closeup reveals more than the average person should have to look at.

  2. “There is no there there.” the summation of the Obama presidency.
    I’m sure there’s a metaphor in them thar hills.

    1. Touche Suzette and Grannie Elbow…I saw that line of ‘there is no there there.’ and raced to the bottom to comment…(luckily I read the comments before I embarassed myself out here on the intertubes)…and now, because I cannot resist a good snark…

      Sharpie? Repurposed eyebrow pencil? Or will we find (like the Michael Kors Leg Shine) that there is an actual product ‘out in the world’ for cosmetic application of cleavage. TaTa Tint? Boobies in a Bottle?

  3. The cheek implants and the chin implant get more obvious with each passing day. I think maybe it’s the shadows created by the false eyelashes.

  4. You could weld Michelle inside a barrel, move her with a forklift, and she would still come across as forty miles of bad road.

    “Him and Her”? Icons? Which ones? The Demonrats have so many icons that they make the Russian Orthodox Church look like a Quaker congregation.

  5. Not sure if she is looking in two directions at once or she suffers from mis-aligned fake eyelashes.

    Of course, if Dems can talk out of both sides of their mouths, why not look in two directions at once??

  6. It looks like she has a tennis ball hidden in her mouth. Why does she contort her face like that? Caleb has said a lot in a few words (something Buh-Rock has never done). I loved this post Suzette.

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