When Spray Tan-Abs Are Not Enough

Is there anything about this guy Obama that's real?

Barak-obama-vacation-in-hawaii-290x300 When Obama was a candidate for the Democratic nomination – around August or so, he took a vacation in  Hawaii to rest up from the rigors of the campaign trail. At the time, he was photographed in the surf. He was reported to be very unhappy that he appeared to be not quite so lean and fit as his press made him out to be.

That's the first thing I thought of when I saw the photos from his December Hawaiian vacation. Five months later after winning the presidentail race, he took another rest in Hawaii and this time … lo and behold, the cameras caught him once again clad in only swim trunks and lookee here: not just slim and free from those embarrassing fat rolls previously on display but now he's got a six pack. (Also, moobs.) You might remember that I highlighted certain aspects of this photo at the time.

Boy, that basketball for 15 minutes three times a week is really something, isn't it? Who could have guessed that was the secret to weightloss? Or maybe it's something else – say,  a little thing known as  spray-tan abs. It's all the rage, you know. He might have had a little Photoshop help as well. But that was then, when we were all naive and innocent about such things. Now, the Washingtonian magazine has chosen this same picture for their cover and geez-oh-pete, talk about your Photoshop. Take a look. they made him golden. Golden. And then they made him shiny. And as if that's not enough, does that look to you like they added a faint happy trail? I do believe they did.

Obama-shirtless-dec  Obama_Washingtonian

He's the shiniest president ever! 

The magazine admits they did apply a little Photoshop magic but only to change the color of his shorts, but that "didn't change the concept of the picture,"  said political reporter Garrett Graff.  Even Huffpo couldn't swallow that one:

What's the danger of an audience thinking that the president looks
model-hot? It's a simplification of who he is–it's the photographic
version of presenting Obama as the shining hope for the country.It's ascribing to him more power–even if the power is sexual–than he actually has.

Let's wait for the gagging to subside.

6 thoughts on “When Spray Tan-Abs Are Not Enough”

  1. I’m sorry, but the Puffington Host can’t use the word *shine* to describe the First African American President. It’s racist. Look it up.

  2. The real question is… will the gagging subside?
    I have no idea because man I’m still gagging from last December. Also does this man take enough vacations???? Geeze louise!

  3. He’s so worried about looking “regular” he overshoots it and ends up in “tacky.”
    I can’t stand him.
    My mom REALLY can’t stand him. She called him some unrepeatable names recently. If *I* can’t repeat them, you know they were bad.

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